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Commercial Slot Car Track. Ogilvile 155' Blue King. Built Around The 90's. - $3,200 - (New Bethlehem, PA)

155' Blue King built by Oglivie tracks. In very good shape. The tracks was rebraided in a single loop. Which makes it very smooth. Tracks comes with controllers, and flexi rental cars . Also comes with remaining inventory. Track will remain up, so new owner can test it. Also comes with power supply. The footprint is 23 feet by 48 feet. The building that the track in is sold. So the track needs sold and needs moved. Open to best offers. So please make a offer. Does not include light bar. Thank you for looking.

Commercial Slot Car Track. Ogilvile 155' Blue King. Built Around The 90's.


Posted in New Bethlehem, PA, Toys & Games
From - 1 month ago