Very Rare Pirate CAPTAIN WILLIAM KIDD Execution Hanging PIRACY 1701 Newspaper - $16,500 - (Williamsport, PA)
Very Rare Pirate CAPTAIN WILLIAM KIDD Execution Hanging PIRACY 1701 Newspaper (Note: additional images are located below the description) Shown is an original & historic old newspaper, offered to enhance your collectible interest: THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, May 22-26, 1701 * Famous pirate Captain William Kidd * Historic & very rare report * Execution - hanging The London Gazette is the oldest continually published newspaper in the world, having started in 1665 and is still publishing today. This issue contains on page two an exceedingly significant report--perhaps the rarest and most sought after pirate report to be found in any newspaper--which is datelined "London, May 23" and reads: "This day Capt. William Kidd, and three other of the Pirates lately condemned at the Admiralty Sessions at the Old-Baily, were executed at Execution-Dock."(see photos). Certainly the first, if not the only report on the death of Captain Kidd as the date of this issue spans the date of his death. I have never seen another period newspaper with this report. This is a single sheet newspaper, which was typical for this period, with some light water staining, has a paper flaw (not damage) on the right causing minor loss to blank margin and not close to any text. Wide margins with no edge tears. The entire issue measures 6 5/8 by 11 3/4 inches. This issue comes with a Certificate of Authenticity, as well as a Deluxe Gift Portfolio as shown in the photos. A very rare opportunity for an exceedingly historic report. This is just the second issue of this date we have located in over 35 years. Please Note: All of our offerings are 100% authentic! We do not offer reprints or reproductions of any kind. They are guaranteed to be original! Shipping, Archival Storage Options, Certificates of Authenticity, About Us, and more... Shipping Policy... For this specific item, A U.S. winner pays $5.00 S&H. If multiple items are purchased and paid for simultaneously, the S&H will be calculated by using t

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