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Prestige 1 castle and 7 farms Clash of Kings k854 - $1,500 - (Beaver Crossing, NE)

Prestige 1 castle and 7 farm castles in kingdom 854. Originally kingdom 856 until recent merger. Castle is currently upgrading to level 3 of prestige 2. Over 10.5 million power and over 1.2 million troops. Farms are level 13 to 19 and are very good producers. I've worked very hard on this set up in the last 1.5 years. Just don't have time for it anymore. Good fighting castle. Good research and at level 30 purple dragon glass. In a great alliance. Most powerful in the kingdom. Account information will be given after payment is secured.

Prestige 1 castle and 7 farms Clash of Kings k854


Posted in Beaver Crossing, NE, Video Gaming
From ebay.com - 1 month ago