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1956 Lincoln Mark 2 - $25,000 - (Mankato, MN)

Call us at 507-214-3553 Great running, driving classic 1956 Continental Mark 2. Car is complete and interior and body are in good condition.They made less than 3,000 in 1956 and 1957.  New brake booster and master cylinder, battery, rebuilt carb & fuel pump, refurbished gas tank, and rare windshield washer bottle. Take this car to the next level and make it a great investment. These cars only have time to appreciate in value! SpecificationsEngine:  368 Transmission:  automatic Cylinders:  8 Drive Type:  Left ExteriorDoors:  2 Body Style:  2 door

1956 Lincoln Mark 2
1956 Lincoln Mark 2
1956 Lincoln Mark 2


Posted in Mankato, MN, Free Stuff
From Classified Ads - 1 month ago