Eight Early 1800's American Burled Wood Chairs and WJ Sloane 1920's Dining Table - $3,950 - (Empire, MI)
This dining set includes eight early 1800's burled wood chairs, six maple and two black walnut. The chairs have been professionally authenticated and appraised. The maple chairs are signed "R. Edwards" and the number "10" (see image). The maple wood chairs were originally caned but had padded seats added (though when this happened is unclear). The padded seating can easily be removed and chairs recaned. The black walnut chairs are caned and probably were recaned in the mid 1950's. The caning is in good condition with a few small breaks. The dining table is a rare birds eye maple originally sold by W.J. Sloane in New York, considered one of the premier furniture sellers in the country until they closed in 1984. It was sold to an antique dealer on Long Island and purchased by my family in the late 1940's. It is a drop leaf table with swing legs measuring 62 inches in length, 52 inches wide at the middle tapering to 42 inches on the ends. Be advised there is water damage, approximately 10 inches by 8 inches in size in the center section with a lengthy scratch. Picture is attached. A table runner generally covers the area well. The table comes with a set of custom made table pads. The items are located in the Traverse City area of Michigan,

From ebay.com - 1 month ago