2007 International Elliott G85 Sign Truck - B25216 - $130,000 - (Wichita, KS)
2007 International Elliott G85 Sign Truck - B25216 Stock: B25216 Price: $140,000.00 Now $130,000.00 Chassis -Y/M/M: 2007 International Miles: 113,333 Fuel: Diesel Engine: 245HP MaxxForce DT Transmission: Fuller Fs-6406N 6 speed Manual GVWR: 33,000 Drive: 4x2 Cab Guard: Yes Body Type: Flatbed Axle: Single A/C: Yes Unit – /M/M: Elliott G85 Working Height: 85ft PTO Hours: 5532 Unit Mount Location: Rear Jib Winch?: Yes 500lb Material Handler: 5,900lb planetary winch Aladin Brothers Boomco (941) 323-2762 www.boomcoequipment.com http://www.boomcoequipment.com/sign-trucks---cranes.html Disclaimer: *This Unit is being advertised for resale purposes. Although effort is made to ensure accuracy, we are not responsible for unintended typographical errors or omissions. Please contact Faith at 941-323-2762 for verification of data before purchasing.* #Elliott , #H110F , #Peterbilt , #JibWinch , #MainBoomWinch , #PTO , #DOTInspection , #annualboominspection , #L40fhireach(46KV) , #G40FHireach , #M43RHireach , #L50F , #G50F , #S50Rskywalk , #s50fskywalk , #L55r , #H55f , #V60f , #L60R , #L60F , #H60f , #H70R , #H70F , #S70Rskywalk , #L70F , #G72F , #G72R , #G85R , #G85f , #M85 , #L85F , #H90R , #H90F , #H110R , #H110F , #L115 , #Manitex , #SC62 , #SC65 , #SC75 , #SC85 , #SC97 , #SC130 , #Lightsandsigns , #Signandlighting , #RX70 , #RX65 , #RX87 , #Skyhoist , #Skycrane , #Skyhook

From Classified Ads - 1 month ago