3Pack Seresto/Foresto Flea - $100 - (Columbus, MS)
Seresto/Foresto Flea & Tick Collar for Large Dogs > 18lbs(8kg) 7 Weeks & Up Old 3PACK CAN MY DOG USE THIS COLLAR?Yes – if it is over 7 weeks old.Yes - if it weighs over 18 lbs (8kg).Yes– if the length of its neck is less than 70cm ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: > Flumethrin 4.5% >Imidaclopri 10.0% WARNING! Collars come without reflectors! In some European markets Seresto is known as Foresto.ABOUT SERESTO Up to 8 months of protection against fleas and ticks.Seresto is made using an innovative technology and unique blend of materials. Due to this it can release the active ingredients in controlled, low doses during a period of up to 8 months. Water-resistant collar.The active ingredients of the collar are locked within its polymer matrix. Thanks to this technology the collar remains effective following shampoo treatment, swimming or after exposure to rain or sunlight. Effective combination of active ingredients.There are two active ingredients iInside Seresto’s polymer matrix – Imidacloprid and Flumethrin. They are transferred from the collar to the dog’s skin and hair, giving your pet protection against fleas, ticks, sarcoptic mange and lice. Safety-closure mechanism. Seresto has a special safety mechanism, which protects your dog if it getstrapped - the dog’s own strength is sufficient to widen the collar to allow for quick release.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago