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Antique 8 Feet Tall Hunt Cabinet Massive Step Back Server - $1,869 - (Kerrville, TX)

Massive hunt cabinet. It breaks down in three major sections. The base cabinet, the center gallery and the top cabinet. All the door locks work and there are keys. The gallery is straight and tight and all the doors work properly. I can not get the drawer lock to work but I may not be lining it up properly. This is a heavily carved piece and it's interesting that there are no game animals depicted. Just florals and scrolls. This is 94" tall, 56" wide and 20" deep. You will need help moving it. I believe the wood is oak. Thank you for looking

Antique 8 Feet Tall Hunt Cabinet Massive Step Back Server


Posted in Kerrville, TX, Antiques
From - 1 month ago