Small Junior Potential on a Budget - $25,000 - (Highland, MI)
Diaraza or as we call her at home Sookie is simply the most stunning presentation of the American Hanovarian breed. She ought to be made a Breyer Horse. Sookie is a registered four yo currently standing at 15.3 hh. She is out of Pauleah an American Hanovarian awarded Premium Mare with tons of talent and from Diarado a freakishly scopey and super talented jumper stallion. From those 2 profound horses Sookie was blessed with the best from both. Enormous talent plenty of scope and 1 of the most amazing movers and jumpers Ive ever had the privilege to ride. Everything comes so natural and easy to her from her transitions to lengthen and shortening to lead changes and to jumping around. And she jumps everything every time with perfect form. This horse is truly amazing! She flats beautifully with a superb canter and she is currently jumping around small courses. She loves to hunt the fences and she is game for anything. Her step is huge and she requires plenty of leg to go.

From Equine Now - 1 month ago