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Komatsu PC75UU-3 Excavator Cab - $26,500 - (Franklin, TN)

Komatsu PC75UU-3 Cab Excavator 5444 hours Please look at the machine closely as there are some flaws cosmetically to the machine, it is priced well below market value for machines of this type for a reason. If you are a serious buyer I will provide an inspection report that will detail more specifically the issues with the machine as receiving a 100% feedback is very important to us If buyer needs we can also assist in the shipment of this machine Preferred payment via wire transfer, checks will require a 10 day hold for time to clear. Please call anytime for questions 615.969.8769

Komatsu PC75UU-3 Excavator Cab


Posted in Franklin, TN, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago