military clothing complete inventory CW to WW 2 - $45,500 - (Garland, TX)
costume custom museum quality military selling business at raw cost "AIEL"--AMERICAN IMPORT EXPORT LTD. "Custom Costume Historical Clothing of - Museum quality!" "SELLING BUSINESS AT RAW COST" - Very Cheap/at cost! Complete items - Web site, - Library, - Inventory (thousands of items)! VALUE = $500,000. - Raw cost $72,000. AT ONLY $45,500.NET! "Shipping to your location at FOB lowest cost, or negotiable!" PLEASE Call US AT 972-226-9933 All Countries, etc.! - "Making COSTUMES like Originals" - "WEB PAGES BELOW!" German Military WW 1 - - - German Military WW 2 - - - U. S./British WW 2 - - - British Military WW 1 & 2 - - - Russian Military WW 2 - - - Italian Military WW 2 - - - Spanish Military Civil War CREDIBLE TESTIMONIALS, with photo's! CONTACT US "Theatrical Custom Costumes!" - Sale & Renting Styled clothing, we can make any type you want. Military surplus from Civil War, Western, 1890's, WW 1, WW 2, to Present! All clothing identical to ORIGINAL museum quality, also unique, theatrical, military custom costuming, & Old Roman, Greek! Films, Documentaries, Plays, weddings, party's, guilds, Universities Theater, styled military items, of all countries of Civil War to Present.

From - 1 month ago