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Falcon BHF daughter in foal - $12,500 - (McNabb, IL)

Fanfair BHF Falcon BHF X Khemoroyale by Khemosabi Very pretty classic mare by Falcon BHF and out of a Khemosabi daughter. She is a 2001 mare. She is in foal to SF Veraz and due in early May. She sells in foal. Offers will be considered. The mare is located in Montello, WI. She does not have any health issues and gets in foal very easily. Foal is sweepstakes nominated and US & Canadian Futurity Nominated as well. Please inquire for a video. Call 815 993 XXXX or email vsnarab

Falcon BHF daughter in foal


Posted in McNabb, IL, Animal and Pets
From Horse Clicks - 1 month ago