Abbott AxSym Automated Immunoassay Diagnostic Analyzer System - $7,500 - (Missouri City, TX)
Welcome to our eBay listing! To make your purchase simple and easy, please refer to all the following details. OUR MISSION: Building tomorrow upon our customer’s satisfaction. THIS AUCTION IS FOR ONE Abbott AxSym Automated Immunoassay Diagnostic Analyzer System CONDITION: USED COSMETIC CONDITION: GOOD CONTENT: ONE Abbott AxSym Automated Immunoassay Diagnostic Analyzer System ONLY (if applied - no other accessories) MANUFACTURER: ABBOTTThe following FDA Disclaimer is required for all eBay listing in Healthcare category and is included for REFERENCE: The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, We will verify your status as an authorized purchaser of this item before shipping of the item. ?????????????????? The Description & features given is of a working product. This does not apply IF our item is listed under parts/not working category. In some cases where eBay does not have any item similar to the one listed and, as it is mandatory to use their catalog, we will choose the closest match item. Buyers are requested to collect their own info for the listed product. If applied to this listing: NO power adapter, cables, keys, license, password, manual or any accessory what so ever is, included unless mentioned in Content. ?????????????????? ITEM REFERENCE: 15060079/17003050 ?????????????????? GENERAL: · Should you have any problem with our item please contact us at 281 919 3300 prior to raising it with eBay and, we assure you to resolve it to your satisfaction (even if we have to go out of way). However, should you opt to go via eBay, it will still be resolved but, as per eBay’s policies. Ø Texas residents shall be charged a sales tax of 8.25% (unless a sales exempt certificate is provided by the buyer). ????? Ø All items listed under “USED” category are teste

From - 1 month ago