CAS CL5000 Scale - $795 - (Mason, WI)
This is a computer scale. It will hold thousands of items with prices and ingredients. The operation book is with it as well as CL-WORKS so you can imput all the data into the scale from your computer. It has two different serial ports and I have a 25 foot serial to USB adaptor that goes with the scale. It does not have Bluetooth. It has a display on both sides so if you use it on a counter your customer can see the back side. It is still loaded with the info from my store. In the CL works you can hit chose to up load data from the computer to the scale, download from the scale to the computer or delete one or the other or both. If you are new to CL works you can download my data to learn the formate. Also I could delete everything before shipping if you want. Really nice scale. Measures within .01 up to 30lbs and .02 up to 60 lbs. Was certified weight in 2011. You can print sell by dates, best by dates, ingredients, bar code, plu, weight or price in-bedded bar codes. It's a really sweet scale. We closed our business so we don't need it any more.

From - 1 month ago