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Snap-on automotive tool set - $10,000 - (Nickelsville, VA)

A complete tool set for almost any mechanic, too many tools to list 90% snap-on some other small sets from blue point, matco, mac, and s&k , box is a KR rolcab with side box 40th anny mustang box in cranberry, chrome and impact socket sets 1/4 in-3/4 drive, complete wrench sets stubby-up to 2 1/2 in, ratchet wrenches, steering wheel pullers, power steering sets, 02 sensor sets,torque wrenches,fan clutch sets, impact, service kits, tap and die sets, drill bit sets, Allen sets, specialty service sets, gas and diesel compression testers, air ratchets, pry bar sets, hammers, ratchets, die grinder....I have been in the mechanic field for over twenty years, I'm selling to help with purchase of property down payment. pal only- price non negotiable ×I'll consider helping with delivery...

Snap-on automotive tool set


Posted in Nickelsville, VA, Tools
From - 1 month ago