Snowie Snowcone Trailer (Similiar to Kona Shaved Ice Truck) - $19,000 - (Cincinnati, OH)
Snowie Shaved Ice 8-Foot Building Bought used, used for 6 more years. Bought for $22,000 and invested another $2,000 in repairs like new water heater parts and new tires (not in pictures). This is a complete snowcone business. Includes trailer, 10,000 starting watt generator ($2200), Snowie 3000 Ice Shaver ($2900), cash register, 33 flavors and flavor concentrates, and other parts to run business The trailer is a self-sustaining unit with hand-washing sink, dishwashing sink, brand new water heater, AC, heat, indoor and outdoor lights, and 6 110 outlets. I am a college student who ran this business all through high school. I was able to completely pay off the cost of everything in only 2 summers. Local buyers will also be given business contacts that I have used over the years to already have a head start. Easy for kids to run, and a great way to pay for college like I did. I was able to make anywhere from $1500-$2000 in just a single weekend event with this. Take it to any sporting event, festival, carnival, etc. I am asking $19,000 OBO. This includes everything listed above. The trailer itself was bought $22,000 used. The business is complete and ready to go. Buying everything separate would cost over $26,000. Snowie company offers a new trailer for $26,000.

From - 1 month ago