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CAT C10 Marine Diesel Engine 335HP *NEW* - $26,995 - (Dowagiac, MI)

Worldwide Diesel Worldwide Service with Hometown HospitalitySe Habla Español! *NEW* Caterpillar C10 MARINE CAT C-10 MARINE DIESEL ENGINES/N: Z2B00166325 H.P. @ 2100 RPMARR: 246-0664YEAR 2008MARINE ENGINEPYRO BAN EQUIPMENTANTI-SPARKSTRIKER 2 PAINTREAR MOUNT TURBOCHARGERSTARTERCERTIFIED FOR OIL PLATFORM/PETROLEUM INDUSTRYFLYWHEELSAE 1 PRICE(USD): $26,995* (*with core exchange) For more information about this listing, warranty, terms, and conditions, please message us through Ebay by clicking HERE or call us Toll Free: (888) 310-3539, outside US: +1 (269) 462-9260. Shipping • Shipping time varies based on carrier and destination location. • We ship within the United States and internationally. • Free shipping is for core return only and within the U.S.A. Payment We accept payment by Bank Wire, Credit Card, Cashier’s Check, or PayPal. Cancellation and Returns We warranty and represent that the goods are as described in the above listing. We specifically disclaim any implied warranties of title, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose. We pride ourselves on our customer service. In the rare event that you have a problem with your item please contact us and we'll be happy to help. Warranty New Engines: 90 Days on Block and Crankshaft. We purchase good used engines, parts, and core engines. Worldwide Diesel is a worldwide diesel engine and parts distributor and broker. We carry diesel engines and parts for a wide variety of Heavy Trucks, Marine, and Industrial uses including: Caterpillar, Cummins, Detroit, International, Isuzu, Mercedes, Mack and more. We carry good used or remanufactured Blocks, Camshafts, Crankshafts, ECMs, Heads, Injectors, Jake Brakes, Oil Pans, Turbos, and more. If this is not the part or engine you are looking for please contact us. For all your diesel needs Worldwide Diesel has you covered. Worldwide Diesel 415 East Prairie Ronde Dowagiac, MI 49047 Available 24/7 Toll Free: +1 (888) 310-3539 Outside USA: +1 (269) 462-9260 F…

CAT C10 Marine Diesel Engine 335HP *NEW*


Posted in Dowagiac, MI, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago