2006 38 X 62 Mobile Home Modular Office. Excellent Condition. $37,9K - $37,900 - (Midland, TX)
Save $40K John 817.240.7884 1568 Sq. Ft. Excellent! • 2006 38/62 Office Modular • 2 ac's and 2 heaters. • Steel exterior shingle roof. Thermopane windows, commercial exterior doors, 240 amp. Service. Hardboard siding with steel roof. great condition. Oak cabinet doors, stainless steel sinks. Drop ceilings with fluorescent lights. My name is Johnny Proffitt and I buy/sell all types of commercial modular buildings. Most of these units are 2005 and newer, have axles and tires and wrapped for transportation. Prices range from $12,900-$49,000 representing a significant savings over other commercial. If you are considering buying, selling, trading or transporting then please give me a holler! Have a great day! Johnny Proffitt 817.240.7884 Mobile Home | Modular Building | Mobile Office | Texas | New Mexico

From ebay.com - 1 month ago