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Land Land Land - $25,000 - (Hope Mills, NC)

This property (as well as 4 adjoining lots) is located in Hope Mills, NC on Archer Road. Frontage is 99.26 Depth is 100.08 and approximately .23 acres according to the Cumberland County Tax Assessor. These lots are located in the established sub-division of Brightmoor. Water and sewer are at the curb. It's a quick 5 minute walk from Hope Mills lake and downtown Hope Mills. These are zoned residential with electric, water, telephone and cable being serviced in the area. These are priced at 25,000, cash but we are willing to do owner financing. If you are seriously interested, let's discuss terms. Please contact us todaywith any questions or email us. Please refer to reference ID HM5516

Land Land Land


Posted in Hope Mills, NC, Free Stuff
From Classified Ads - 1 month ago