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14ft Waymatic Concession Trailer - $17,500 - (Waterford, CT)

14 ft waymatic concession trailer, this trailer is truly a work horse, equiptment included : 20 qt new mixer, 2 door traulsen fridge, 2ft grill, couter top fryolator, 6ft refrigerated showcase, 2 cash drawers, cash register. 4 sinks, 8 gal hot water heater, 40 gal fresh water tank, 100 amps electrical panel box, 10ft electric sign, 50ft- 50amp electric cord, 25 ft-20amp electric cord,plus a ton of small wares included in sale, also have a almost new Honda FI EU 7000 IS generator, and 1999 F-250 pick up truck. Truck and Generator not included with the trailer but available if interested, this trailer is ready to make you money today. for payment will be cash upon pick up

14ft Waymatic Concession Trailer


Posted in Waterford, CT, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago