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SLVBH3650G SIEMENS BUS PLUG 400 AMP 600 VOLT 3 W 120WR0006391 - $8,092 - (Jackson, MS)

NIB; ACTUAL ITEM PICTURED CLASS H/J/K/R/T FUSE; 600 VAC; 400 AMPERE; INTERRUPTING RATING 200 KILOAMPERE; 3 POLE; CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION 3 PHASE 3 WIRE; INTERNAL; NO NEUTRAL; IP40 Please note: we will not ship on your UPS account unless we have done business with you for a long time. Not so nice people have reversed charges on us after receiving their merchandise when we have done this in the past and our policy is in place to protect ourselves. Sorry...

SLVBH3650G SIEMENS BUS PLUG 400 AMP 600 VOLT 3 W 120WR0006391


Posted in Jackson, MS, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago