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Manufacturing Engineer - RF Electronics - (Spring Valley, NY)

Permanent position for an Electronics Manufacturing Engineer in charge of production cell management. Technical support for high complexity, RF-heavy products. Ownership of hand off of new product designs from the product development team into manufacturing. Leadership for a production team to meet required goals including planned output and continuous improvement in the areas of quality, efficiency, and cost for products manufactured in the production cell. Bridge/transfer all aspects of new products from Design to Operations. Troubleshooting of manufacturing problems to maintain product flow. Train personnel on electronic troubleshooting, mechanical and technical skills. Develop and execute cost cutting initiatives. Plan and implement manufacturing processes. Develop and execute process improvements. Comment on new product designs and identify applicants for improvements/changes. Create and review engineering changes. Review and comment on manufacturing test software.


Posted in Spring Valley, NY, Architecture & Engineering
From Net-Temps - 1 month ago