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Beautiful Friesian Gelding for Sale - $7,000 - (North Kansas City, MO)

Gorgeous Tall gentle giant six year old Friesian gelding with lots of experience. He is jet black with nice hair and a gorgeous head and neck! Goffert is broke to both ride and drive. This boy has been ridden all over and loves trail rides! He is not spooky at all. He is a solid horse that you can take anywhere. Goffert is very smooth and easy to ride. He has a precious slow, collected canter. It's not easy to find a Friesian with a canter this easy! He is just a sweetheart-you are sure to fall in love. He is tall and hansom , standing at 16.1 hands. He is suited for a beginner to intermediate rider and will build your confidence! Goffert is double trained to ride and drive and he loves to do both! Goffert has been ridden dressage and he can do English. He is super versatile- he can really do anything! Whether your passion is english, western, trail riding or driving- you will love this boy. He will make someone a fantastic lifetime companion!


Posted in North Kansas City, MO, Animal and Pets
From equine - 1 month ago