Cremello stallion - $7,500 - (New London, MN)
We have had Shiney since 2010, he has been a super producer for us! He out sires himself. His foals are easy to handle, and train. True to his Shining Spark heritage, he has produced outstanding foals that have gone on to rein, rope and barrel race. Anyone that can hold a lead rope can breed with him, he will also pasture breed, he's very good to the mares. He is nice in the stall. He loves a bath and attention, never bitety. A true gentleman! Having made the hard decision to quit the breeding business we also have several good mares bred to him. An own daughter of ARC Matt O LENA, own daughter of Cowboy Smarts ,own daughter of Dealin Dirty. We could definitely put together a nice little group. If you have any questions please CALL 320-224-79

From equine - 1 month ago