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(MAGEWELL XI400DE-HDMI 4-Channel HDMI HD Capture Card Perfect Condition - $550 - (Anaconda, MT)

Recently bought this capture card for a livestreaming setup, but ended up not needing it for our project. I have installed it once to test it, and it works great. One thing to consider is that you need to use shorter and/or higher quality hdmi cables with this card. I found a couple of my hdmi cables didn't give any input (30 foot generic cables), but using brand name or shorter cables solved this. Drivers are available from Magewell downloads under "First Generation Capture Family" Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks,ChrisClark Fork Leather

(MAGEWELL XI400DE-HDMI 4-Channel HDMI HD Capture Card Perfect Condition


Posted in Anaconda, MT, Electronics
From - 1 month ago