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Haflinger Mare - $1,750 - (Columbia, KY)

Haflinger mare Seven Year old registered she is the 1 on the right in the picture 13.1 Hands Good disposition willing Very energetic and fun to ride for intermediate to advanced rider. Trail ride regularly also trained to harness and drive a cart Barefoot and never shod. Learned to do ourselves with help of natural hoof expert trim once a month with ease and her feet are perfect. Extremely easy keeper thrives on dry lot with low sugar mixed grass hay. Up to datewormed year round naturally with DE Very calm fly spray fly mask fly sheet fly swat harness tie up tack up etc. no problems. Good all around horse pulling a wagon or cart trail riding showing jumping pretty and stand out in any show ring or work on the farm or ranch ready to do everything and anything Asking 1600 MORE PICS AVAILABLE VIA EMAIL ON REQUEST


Posted in Columbia, KY, Animal and Pets
From Equine Now - 1 month ago