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9186 White Planter Parts - $5,000 - (Mosinee, WI)

The parts we have for sale are off of a White 9186 planter. A customer bought the planter from us and we retrofit the planter with aftermarket parts. These parts are off of a brand new planter that we had on our lot. The parts do show some distress from the planter sitting on our lot, but overall, are in good condition. All parts come as a package deal, for one price. This is a great deal for someone looking to get there planter ready for spring with some new parts! Any questions feel free to call (715)-370-2335. Items included are: 16- 3 bushel hoppers (700738398) with meters attached. All meters come with all components, just need seed disks. 15- Hopper lids with seals (700738399). 1- Blower fan assembly. 15- Air hoses (N857650) and elbows (852866) that connect to meters. 4- Interface modules (700729677) 1- Bridge module (700731514). 1- Terminator adapter harness (700730012). 1- Wiring harness extension 10' (700729685). 1- Wiring harness (700729683). 16- Seed tubes with seed sensors (853621). 16- Seed tube clips (700177944). 16- Sprocket and tensioner with all hardware and chains (see picture). 14- Sprocket; #41, 20T, 3/4" hex bore (700721750). 2- Sprocket; 20T (W247690B). 2- Bearing plate (852192) with hex bore bearing (W247647B). 4- Seed shaft coupler (W247687B) with all hardware and adapter fittings. 2- Drive shafts 105" 2- Drive shafts 96" All items are pictured and in their current condition.

9186 White Planter Parts


Posted in Mosinee, WI, Farm & Garden
From - 1 month ago