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Official U.S Federal Trademark & Domain Name For Sale: Gas Station Coffee. - $28,500 - (Plymouth, MI)

For sale is an official USPTO issued Federal Trademark: Gas Station Coffee. Finally, a product for the coffee drinker who keeps America running ! Gas Station Coffee is a no frills, reliable and quality brand of coffee. It was created because we understand there are millions of Americans who simply prefer a cup of coffee from their local convenience store gas station. So take Gas Station Coffee to the next level and turn it into the must have, most talked about brand of coffee. We all know it's an exciting time to start your own business. Skyrocketing optimism for small business and startups for 2017 and beyond is truly exciting. Current small business owners and start-up entrepreneurs are revealing levels of optimism not seen in years! This confidence comes from high expectations for greatly improved business conditions to develop in the very near future.  Take Gas Station Coffee to the next level in 2017. There is so much potential with this coffee label including hats, mugs to T-shirts with various sayings. Gas Station Coffee . Com included  in sale.  Serious buyers only please.

Official U.S Federal Trademark & Domain Name For Sale: Gas Station Coffee.


Posted in Plymouth, MI, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago