100% Financing for Investors - (Atlanta, GA)
If you need a loan you can save money on your deals or if you want to provide a loan to an investor; you will earn $1,000 on 100k deals and up to 20k to 100k on 500k or 5 million dollar deals. We help you generate 5 loan apps a week As a partner we will get you signed up with a binding brokers agreement, log in, deal analyzer, pre approval forms including POF letters Now you can really make money by servicing the needs of investors when they make an offer. BAM!! There you are with a proof of funds letter ready to obtain lender approvals and let the lender take over. They do all the due diligence and works you pick up a check. DONT BE FOOLED by other folks who make you a birddog and keep the commission on the deal which is average 1 to 3% points and offer you only $500 or $1000. Cut out the middle man and you be the loan originator and get all the cash. http://www.unionofcredit.com/apply-for-one-hour-approval
From Oodle - 1 month ago