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Fill Hose for Pellerin Milnor Older Washers SA 33008 774T117P04 NC-4153-5 - $55 - (San Angelo, TX)

1300 3 1/2" Opening at top, 3" Hose diameter approx 47" Long. New Part $55.00 plus shipping Commercial, Residential & Vintage Appliance Parts FOR SALE Commercial Appliance Services has been in the service and parts business in San Angelo, Texas for 42 years. We have many out of stock parts sitting on shelves long since dusted. We are clearing out our warehouse and are listing thousands of appliance parts, both new, in box (NIB), old stock (NOS) and used (tested and work well). These parts are for household appliances and large commercial washers and dryers. Lots of no longer available (NLA) parts.We guarantee parts to work though we can not guarantee your diagnosis. Please be sure your part is defective before buying. We give a two-week return privilege if the part actually fails. This does not include parts damaged by the buyer.

Fill Hose for Pellerin Milnor Older Washers SA 33008 774T117P04 NC-4153-5


Posted in San Angelo, TX, Business for Sale
From ebay.com - 1 month ago