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December SPECIAL..Military trailer,M1101, utility trailer, Army Surplus - $1,699 - (Barnett, MO)

You were looking at a brand new never used Ami trailer This unit has been in military storage since 2009 It is rated as a three-quarter ton torsion suspension trailer with hydraulic surge brakes It was designed to pull behind the Hummer It has a front and rear unload stabilizer. No modifications have been made to the unit it is 100% original This is a great lightweight aluminum bodied trailer We have a clear Missouri Title December special 1699.00 Comes with 5-gallon military water can s as part of the Black Friday special Box measurements.85.5 L x 80.5 Wheel well width 56" Wheel well height 10" Ps. This is a military surplus unit which is not to be sold or shipped out of the United States

December SPECIAL..Military trailer,M1101, utility trailer, Army Surplus


Posted in Barnett, MO, Collectibles
From - 1 month ago