EZ Flex x CheerGymnastics Mats - N.A. - (San Antonio, TX)
X HOME CHEER amp GYMNASTICS MAT ( THICKNESS) FREE SHIPPINGLightw portable and super easy to set up and store this mat features a thicker foam backing for enhanced performance and shock-absorption. The EZ Flex rolling system makes it fast amp easy to roll mats out for use and then right back up when finished for convenient storage.Made from the same heavy duty carpet and high-performance sports foam as our competition mats this -thick carpeted home mat offers the greatest level of performance.Strips of hook faser are included with all orders of or more mats for joining. 2 mats for example could be arranged to make a x area or a x strip.Lightw amp Portable ThicknessFree Shipping within the Continental USOne Year Limited WarrantyColor Options Blue Black Gray Red Charcoal CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALI was so impressed with the product that I sent my high school coach the info and she also purchased mats. I am looking at purchasing more this fall Visit our web sitefor more info.
From Advertigo - 1 month ago