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Pomsky PUPPY FOR SALE ADN-60646 - Adorable Pomsky Puppies - $2,500 - (Donnellson, IA)

Nickname: Alia Alia.......strikingly tall and the softest fur ever! Who loves to run and play. Alia is currently 13 ins in height and weighs 16 pounds. But don't let that stop you as she is super active and doesn't miss a beat! Check out our website .sugarcreekpuppies and see Alia's video on the ABOUT tab/Categories...........CHARMING!!

Pomsky PUPPY FOR SALE ADN-60646 - Adorable Pomsky Puppies
Pomsky PUPPY FOR SALE ADN-60646 - Adorable Pomsky Puppies


Posted in Donnellson, IA, Animal and Pets
From PuppyFinder - 1 month ago