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Family Dreams (historical fiction for young adults) - $11 - (Little Rock, AR)

Historical fiction for young adults. 39 black & white illustrations. Family Dreams is the heartwarming story of an orphan boy who goes back in time (through a dream) to 1759 and has an incredible adventure while visiting a Quapaw Indian village. "A very thoughtful story with well developed characters. There are so many lessons to be learned for young people." -Ms. Janis Kearney (Bill Clinton biographer, author, publisher) "A well-told story with credible and interesting characters." -Professor Geary Hobson (Native American & American Literature at the University of Oklahama) "A very good story. Captures the Quapaw's love for their children." -Ms. Ardina Moore (Quapaw elder, historian, and language expert)

Family Dreams (historical fiction for young adults)


Posted in Little Rock, AR, Books
From Oodle - 1 month ago