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NYC Marathon Fundraiser @ Barry's Bootcamp - N.A. - (New York, NY)

Fam and Friends! If you don't already have plans Sunday, June second at 3:15pm....well you're in luck, because now you do!! Please come join me at Barry's Bootcamp in NYC for a charity event you will ACTUALLY want to attend! It's going to be a tough but awesome workout and we're ALL going to sweat for a great cause :) But what is this "cause" that I'm hoping you'll join me for?? Well, as you may know, I've decided to run the 2019 NYC Marathon this fall for Team For Kids. Team for Kids is a team of adult runners who raise funds for critical services provided by New York Road Runners youth programs. These programs empower youth development and encourage healthy habits via running and character-building programs across the country. Team for Kids runners like me fundraise to support nearly 250,000 kids across the country, including 125,000 in New York City alone. All the money raised goes directly to supporting youth running programs, events, and overall resources.

NYC Marathon Fundraiser @ Barry's Bootcamp


Posted in New York, NY, Tickets
From Eventful - 1 month ago