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Reiki Meditation Music - N.A. - (Saratoga Springs, NY)

Don’t miss this chance to benefit from a mixed-modality wellness experience as four talented practitioners come together! The R.M.M. Workshop will include a 60 minute guided Meditation that incorporates Reiki, essential oils & vibroacoustic music. Here’s what happens to you at our Reiki Meditation Music class…you get to lay down on a comfortable massage table, covered with soft blankets and an eye pillow. Reiki practitioners come around and administer reiki to your whole body while you listen to a gentle guided meditation and magical therapeutic music coming out of a 22 string harp guitar. The essential oils are an added bonus to the reiki session. Everyone gets reiki and a group healing by the reiki practitioners as they end each class surrounding each individual person while they administer reiki. Our class is a 1 of a kind class that you will not find in any other studio but Hannah’s Healing.


Posted in Saratoga Springs, NY, Tickets
From Eventful - 1 month ago