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Rotary Speed Networking Event - N.A. - (Commack, NY)

Join the professional and community leaders of the Rotary Club of Commack-Kings Park, as we welcome Rotarinas from all of the clubs in Rotary District 7255, as well as non-rotarians looking to expand their business relationships and meet the People of Action. Also present will be members of the various Chambers of Commerce, various community groups and asosciations, and seasoned networkers from groups like BNI. Come out, meet new friends and collegues and enjoy some light refreshments on us. Coffee and snacks will be served and a directory of all the attendees (who RSVPd at least five days in advance) will be provided. Free admisson, but business cards and an outgoing attitude are required... There is an opportunity to advertise in the attendee directory, and business card sized ads (which will be printed in color) are available for sale at $20 each. Limit of two adjacent ads per attendee/company and a total of only ten will be sold. Ads will only be accepted until seven days prior to the event.

Rotary Speed Networking Event


Posted in Commack, NY, Tickets
From Eventful - 1 month ago