Silicon Valley TGIF Networking Mixer - N.A. - (Santa Clara, CA)
Enter the Hyatt Regency via the main entrance on the front side of the hotel. Look to your right. Go to the bar area in the hotel lobby. Look for people with name tags. Look for the Meetup sign.This event is free to attend. Attendees must purchase their own liquid refreshments and food.There's no content or speaker at this event -- just business and social networking. Come out and enjoy a great evening of good food, liquid refreshments, and connecting. Come prepared with your best smile, a firm handshake, and a good personality.You may meet your next business collaborator, client, employer, employee, friend, or tennis partner!Getting away from a screen for a few hours will do you some good! : -)Meet Silicon Valley movers and shakers - Internet entrepreneurs, developers, engineers, mobile app coders, attorneys, bloggers, academics, financiers, and investors!It's okay if you have to come late and/or leave early. Feel free to drop in whenever you can.

From Eventful - 1 month ago