Early Two Red Stiched Baseballs and One Rawlings Official OLB3 League Baseball - $40 - (Deer Park, WA)
Early Two Red Stiched Baseballs and One Rawlings Official OLB3 League Baseball These were Picked up at an Auction and we have not specific information about them The Official Major League & the Official OLDB are in Good Shape for their age. The third ball has a couple holes in it and no identifying markers Fast and Free Shipping Youre already purchasing the item. Why pay additional for shipping, especially slow shipping? We process all orders within 24 hours of purchase, therefore whether you are receiving your product with expedited or standard shipping you can always expect fast delivery! Additionally we use eBays guaranteed delivery date with all our listings so you can be certain your packages will be delivered on time. International Shipping If you are purchasing outside of the USA, please note we only use eBays Global Service Program and only offer free shipping within the USA. Please click on the Shipping & Payments Tab next to the Description Tab, Choose your Country and this will Calculate your Shipping Costs. Commitment We are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. If you have any questions about your purchase please contact us as we strive for the best customer experience we can provide! We appreciate any and all feedback. Thanks for looking!

From ebay.com - 1 month ago