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Big Flashy Gaited Gelding - $2,500 - (St Mary, MO)

General is a very big friendly guy. Hes 12 yrs old and 16 16.1 hands. No documents but I have all his health records. Big bone structure heavy solid horse. He has very good ground manners you can literally crawl all over and under him without him moving. Clips easily bathes shoes loads etc....all with no problems! He has been trail ridden extensively and been camping many times. He rides out by himself good. He is very well gaited with strong TWH attributes! Long stride head shake and four beat gait but will also rack and even canter if you allow him to. He is a very forward horse that likes to go and will go all day. He will get nervous in large groups of riders. Just had all shots Coggins test deworming. Stands perfect to be shod. Couple videos available. Please calltext 573576XXXX


Posted in St Mary, MO, Animal and Pets
From Equine Now - 1 month ago