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Uruguay 1877 Silver 10 Ten Centesimos 2.5g - $18 - (Altoona, IA)

Year: 1877 Reference: Km# 14 Size: 18mm Weight: 2.5g Fineness: .900 ASW: .0723 Mintage: 3,00,000 Very nice. I want you to be pleased with your purchase and I offer a generous 30 day return policy to insure your satisfaction. There is no time limit for authenticity. Everything I offer is absolutely guaranteed to be genuine and from the time period stated. Most items are shipped First Class with tracking at rates determined by the USPS. Please check back often as I look forward to listing many more items from many different parts of the world and many different periods in time. I really do appreciate your business and I thank you for your consideration.

Uruguay 1877 Silver 10 Ten Centesimos 2.5g
Uruguay 1877 Silver 10 Ten Centesimos 2.5g


Posted in Altoona, IA, Collectibles
From - 1 month ago