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SMITTY 5 F 1949 - $12 - (Victoria, BC)

EEGABEEVA is back on line! THIS ITEM: SMITTY 5 F Shipping is post office cost unless otherwise specified. We ship worldwide and work with overseas buyers to minimize shipping costs and import duties. Combined shipping cost for multiple wins. Check out my other items! Be sure to add me to your favorites list! Check Eegabeeva's feedback scores. Eegabeeva has just opened an Ebay on Seller's Ebay Store to see all of the goodies...a work in progress! WE TRAVEL TO BUY COLLECTIONS...PLEASE EMAIL On Mar-28-10 at 19:54:45 PDT, seller added the following information: SHIPPING NOTE; Shipping inside Canada is $4 SHIPPING NOTE: 1-4 comics to US...$8 1-4 comics inside Canada...$5 Overseas...actual post office cost(inquire)

SMITTY 5 F 1949
SMITTY 5 F 1949


Posted in Victoria, BC, Collectibles
From - 1 month ago