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Ideal Brand Wooden Checkerboard with Checkers Nice Condition - $15 - (Hamilton, GA)

My husband and I have used this set only a few times; we are too evenly matched to have a fun time playing each other. The board is in excellent condition, and I will include the natural wood checkers. If you'd prefer the traditional red and black checkers, I'm sure you could easily buy a replacement set. The board measures about 11 1/2 inches square, and each square on the board is about 1 1/4 inches. The checkers are about an inch in diameter. Nice solid, sturdy game board. Any questions, just ask.

Ideal Brand Wooden Checkerboard with Checkers Nice Condition
Ideal Brand Wooden Checkerboard with Checkers Nice Condition
Ideal Brand Wooden Checkerboard with Checkers Nice Condition


Posted in Hamilton, GA, Toys & Games
From - 1 month ago