The Game Goes To Eleven Card Game That Cranks It Past Ten This is Spinal Tap New - $22 - (Brandon, FL)
This Game Goes to Eleven - The card game that cranks it past ten Gamewrights This Game Goes to Eleven is a fully amped card game. Stick the other players with Cards. Play number cards to center pile, adding to 11.—description from the publisherThis simple rock-n-roll guitar themed card game is based off a joke from the film "Spinal Tap". Players play number cards from their hands into the center pile, seeking to make the pile sum to 11. If they are able to get to exactly 11, they can pass the stack off to another player. If they are forced to play a card that brings the total over 11, though, they have to take the entire pile themselves. Players race to be the first one to be left without any cards. Don't forget to send us offer specially if you like more than one!THANKS FOR DROPPING BY WE POST NEW PRODUCT EVERYDAY PLEASE VISIT AGAIN !!! * no free shipping for return item

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