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Adopt Susie a Guinea Pig small animal in Virginia Beach, VA (25006749) - N.A. - (Virginia Beach, VA)

Susie (1yr old) is a Guineapig Small Mammal. This is Susie. Susie is a transfer from our friends at Isle of Wight Animal Control so we don't know much about her past. What we do know is that she's ready to find her furever home. She likes to be held and bundled up in blankets or clothes. Since guineapigs do well with a partner or in groups, she needs to go home with her sister Sally. If you would like to meet this iconic duo please ask a staff member for more information.

Adopt Susie a Guinea Pig small animal in Virginia Beach, VA (25006749)


Posted in Virginia Beach, VA, Animal and Pets
From - 1 month ago