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CFC AD600-M (2) 600 MCM (2) #4 CUAL Terminal Lug Wide base USA - $13 - (Newell, WV)

You are buying 1 CFC AD600M for 2 600MCM Wires. This has 2) 15/16" Diameter holes to receive the wire. It is about 3 7/8" long x 2 3/8" wide x 1 1/2" high. It has 2 holes for 5/16" diameter bolt/stud. This is for Copper or Aluminum wire. The block/Lug weighs 11 oz. See pictures.

CFC AD600-M (2) 600 MCM (2) #4 CUAL Terminal Lug Wide base USA
CFC AD600-M (2) 600 MCM (2) #4 CUAL Terminal Lug Wide base USA
CFC AD600-M (2) 600 MCM (2) #4 CUAL Terminal Lug Wide base USA


Posted in Newell, WV, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago