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Auth Cartier Navy Blue Silk Cord Rope Replacement Love Trinity Bracelet 16.5inch - $25 - (Great Neck, NY)

Authentic Cartier Navy Blue silk Cord Rope Replacement For Love or Trinity bracelet Size 42 cm , 16.5 inches Gold RING NOT INCLUDED If you have a bracelet cord in a different color and you need change your color or if you lose your cord for your Cartier bracelet just take this offer and you can replace it, choose the color combination with your clothes or occasion. Cartier knot can be learned on the internet. Some Cartier store will also change the cord for you free of charge. Any question please write me and I do my best to help you. Red Cartier pouch not included

Auth Cartier Navy Blue Silk Cord Rope Replacement Love Trinity Bracelet 16.5inch
Auth Cartier Navy Blue Silk Cord Rope Replacement Love Trinity Bracelet 16.5inch


Posted in Great Neck, NY, Jewelry
From - 1 month ago