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Vintage Bone China Spaniels Damaged but Still Adorable - $3 - (Cape Coral, FL)

These tiny little spaniels each have a small problem, one has a missing leg, but he can still stand and the other has a broken tail. They are both vintage from my grandmothers home. From head to feet they each measure about 1" . Their paint is still great and they are adorable. Thanks for looking

Vintage Bone China Spaniels Damaged but Still Adorable
Vintage Bone China Spaniels Damaged but Still Adorable
Vintage Bone China Spaniels Damaged but Still Adorable
Vintage Bone China Spaniels Damaged but Still Adorable
Vintage Bone China Spaniels Damaged but Still Adorable


Posted in Cape Coral, FL, Collectibles
From - 1 month ago