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Puritan Slip Ware Pottery ** Apple Pattern ** Set of 8 Cups And Saucers - $10 - (Wytheville, VA)

Puritan Slip Ware Pottery ** Apple Pattern ** Set of 8 Cups And Saucers. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. No chips no cracks not easy to find. 3 with craZing to bottom of cups.

Puritan Slip Ware Pottery ** Apple Pattern **   Set of 8 Cups And Saucers
Puritan Slip Ware Pottery ** Apple Pattern **   Set of 8 Cups And Saucers
Puritan Slip Ware Pottery ** Apple Pattern **   Set of 8 Cups And Saucers
Puritan Slip Ware Pottery ** Apple Pattern **   Set of 8 Cups And Saucers
Puritan Slip Ware Pottery ** Apple Pattern **   Set of 8 Cups And Saucers


Posted in Wytheville, VA, Household Items
From - 1 month ago