ROBIN SNYDER'S HISTORY OF THE COMICS #12 & Vol 2 #4 - Craig Flessel, Fred Rhoads - $25 - (Yucca Valley, CA)
ROBIN SNYDER'S HISTORY OF THE COMICS Vol. 1 #12 (1990) & Vol 2 #4 (April 1994) Mint condition. Vol. 1 #12 (1990) 8 1/2 x 11, 4 pages. Letters from Craig Flessel (1 pages) and Sam Glanzman (2 pages). Vol 2 #4 (April 1994) 8 1/2 x 11, 16 pages. Article on Fred Rhoads (comprises most of the issue). I am looking for Vol. 14 #8 and #9 of ROBIN SNYDER'S HISTORY OF THE COMICS which have Ditko's mini-history #13 & 14. I have the rest of the mini-history (including the "Wind-up" in Vol. 14 #11) and I will provide copies of the other installments to anyone who can provided either of the actual issues which I need. Free shipping media mail in a box inside the US. Outside the US use the Ebay Global Shipping Program. Pay me securely with any major credit card through PayPal! More than just a pretty picture. Try Vendio Image Hosting.

From - 1 month ago